Friday 29 September 2017

Weaver of dreams

Autumn colours add to the natural beauty of the rural river
I think the River Weaver is my favourite waterway. There is just one thing wrong with it: it's too short. If only it were 50 miles long instead of just twenty.
There is so much beautiful scenery, so much industrial history and – it has to be said – more than enough grim industrial present day in its length. And, besides, for a big engined, deep boat like Harry its scale and depth are just heavenly.
So, rather than try and describe it all in words, here is a selection of photos that seem to sum it up.
Salt is the great industry; miles of
caverns and roads lie underground
A vast spaghetti of chemical works
 spreads along one end of the river
Old industry lies hidden in the woods like ruins of an ancient world

The Weaver is home to boats of every size, style – and condition

Seagoing ships used its vast locks to and from the Mersey

A small new marina breathes
life into the Winsford end

But at the other the old Runcorn
docks and church are out of bounds

And, of course, the way to and from the river
is via the amazing Anderton Lift

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